Friday, January 3, 2014

SBTV Episode 24 - KFE Endorsement of Davis-Docking

Kansas Families for Education (KFE) endorsed Paul Davis for Kansas Governor and Jill Docking for Lieutenant Governor.

The announcement took place on Friday, January 3, 2014 at the Irene B. French Community Center in Merriam, KS.

Thanks to Kathy Cook of KFE for making this video possible.

Update: Kathy has brought to my attention that at the 2:00 mark, she made a mistake.  Here's the quote:

"Paul (Davis) worked to pull a bipartisan coalition together to craft and pass a budget that presented what would have been the seventh round of budget cuts for our schools."

The word "presented" in this quote should be "prevented."  The statement should read:

"Paul (Davis) worked to pull a bipartisan coalition together to craft and pass a budget that prevented what would have been the seventh round of budget cuts for our schools."