Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Weekend in Videos

We have some videos to share with you to help us augment our discussions the last couple of weeks.

First off, here's a piece done for KCPT's The Local Show on the issue of judicial selection:

While we're talking about KCPT programming, here's this week's edition of Kansas City Week in Review.   In this first clip, they elaborate further on judicial selecton:

Staying with Week in Review, they also talked about something we touched on with Paul Lyons: gun control.  This talks specifically about gun control on the county level and Sheriff Frank Denning (brother of conservative State Senator Jim Denning, who hates me personally).

I briefly mentioned the JCCC Board of Trustees replacing Don Weiss, who resigned in October 2012, with an ideological polar opposite, David Lindstrom.  JCAV, the student television station for JCCC (which I currently work for), got video of the two special Board meetings to pick Lindstrom.

This first video is the whittling-down of candidates.  Among the names removed from the initial list were recent Democratic candidates for state office.

The second video was the actual meeting where Lindstrom and four others - all either centrist or too far to the right for our comfort - were interviewed and the vote was taken.

Four of the current Board members - Dr. Jerry Cook, Dr. Bob Drummond, Melody Rayl, and Stephanie Sharp - are up for re-election in April.  Also running for the Board is a guest and friend of Sunflower Brew, Lee Cross.  You can check out his campaign site at

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